Usher is more than an amazing singer. He is also a actor, dancer and songwriter from the United States. He began the career since 1991...
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Chris Brown: popular male singers is. His fame in his singing career is among the top and no less than many other world class singers ...
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TAIO CRUZ: Being a songwriter, as well as record producer, in addition to his singing career, Taio Cruz is another worldwide known name...
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Bruno Mars: Bruno Mars is indeed a brilliant singer with sweet voice. He is best represented for the romantic songs. Some of his work...
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Drake: who can sing, actor and write the songs has now reached a very top level of his career. As a result, we often see his name, in t...
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Kanye West: he is very artistic. Besides being a singer, songwriter, and producer, he is also a painter. However, its incredible singin...
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From Florida, Pitbull: is a famous American rapper who released his first album, “Money Is A Major Issue” since 2004. Two years later, ...
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Justin Bieber. He is a young and amazing singer. He rose to prominence within a very short period of time. Born in 1993, he is from Can...
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most popular male singers in 2015 is Justin Timberlake. Like many others in the list, Justin Timberlake has spent years working hard an...
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The first man you are going to see and he is the number 10th most popular male singer in this 2015 is Macklemore. his original name is Be...
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K vs - First day on the GYM | أول يوم في النادي
K vs - First day on the GYM | أول يوم في النادي هاذا حال الشباب في أول يوم في النادي الحديد ههههههه : وأتينا بهاذا الفكرة وتم تسجيلها وه...
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Reasons The death of the son of the ruler of Dubai Sheikh "Rashid bin Mohammed Al Maktoum"
The death of Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, son of the ruler of Dubai said Saturday Dubai Ruler's Court and d...
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Last wrote Sheikh "Rashid bin Mohammed Al Maktoum" God's mercy
Spread the news of the death of Sheikh "Rashid bin Mohammed Al Maktoum," on the social networking sites, the Facebook ac...
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أخر ما كتبه الشيخ " راشد بن محمد آل مكتوم " رحمه الله
إنتشر خبر وفاة الشيخ "راشد بن محمد آل مكتوم" علي مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي، فأن نشطاء الفيسبوك والتويتر تأثرو تأثراً كبيراً بس...
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Ant story with Prophet Solomon "peace be upon him."
In heaven hath provided and Matutn Solomon said that "peace be upon him" was sitting on the shore of the Sea, Vbesr Benmelh c...
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قصة النملة مع سيدنا سليمان " عليه السلام"
وفى السماء رزقكم وماتوعدون ذكروا أن سليمان "عليه السلام" كان جالسا على شاطىء بحر،فبصر بنملة تحمل حبة قمح تذهب بها نحو البحر، فج...
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new iPhone 7
Millions of people around the world Antdharon new Yvonne Phone 7 Despite that the company launched, Yvonne 6, and Yvonne 6 ...
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مواصفات الهاتف الذكي أيفون 7 الجديد !!
مواصفات الهاتف : الملايين من الناس حول العالم ينتضرون هاتف ايفون 7 الجديد, بالرغم بأن الشركة اطلقة , ايفون 6 , وايفون 6 بلس ...
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Apple iPhone flaws 6
1 - the lack of video imaging technology feature 4K added ideal of smart phones and audio recording technology still mono. 2 - Lack of ...
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